The story shows the idea of the two boys to run away from the hostel. The story shows the idea of the two boys to run away from the hostel.
Elders always speaks the truth and everything what they said, if you obey, success is not so far. Elders always speaks the truth and everything what they said, if you obey, succe...
Mr. Sekhawat was working on a file when his phone rang. It was Mrs. Sarala Devi his wife, her voice ... Mr. Sekhawat was working on a file when his phone rang. It was Mrs. Sarala Devi ...
I am no more genius, no extrovert. I am no more genius, no extrovert.
Her beloved mango tree is cut as it was creating cracks on the floor Her beloved mango tree is cut as it was creating cracks on the floor
It had been 7 days since our college declared holidays It had been 7 days since our college declared holidays